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What Our Clients Say

Joan’s no-nonsense approach and excellent business sense helped us weed through the complex details that often confound hospital executives. More important than her subject matter expertise is her ability to connect with physicians, with whom she is quick to build credibility through her direct, instructive, yet personable style.

We were successful in passing our AAAHC inspection. We owe a great deal of gratitude to you and your staff. I made a mistake hiring the wrong consultant before I employed you; therefore, I know how valuable your services were.

Avanza has the credibility and candor that makes our doctors listen.

Erin (Carr) is a 10 out of 10. Rarely have I worked with a consultant like her. And rarely, if ever, have I worked with a team like the one Avanza has put together.

Avanza was very helpful, providing tools and knowledge necessary to prepare for the licensing and accreditation process. Their expertise, candid communication and flexibility were refreshing and invaluable.

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