As a healthcare leader, you need relevant and reliable information to make good decisions. That’s why we’ve updated our popular ASC benchmarks with the latest operational and financial measures of success. First published in 2014, Avanza’s ASC benchmarks are key industry data points in one easy-to-use tool.
Industry benchmarks provide a baseline from which you can see where you lead, lag or operate as expected. Used properly, benchmarks inform strategic planning and help integrate disparate functions and processes into a coordinated system. And by incorporating benchmarks into your operations, common terms and metrics begin to take hold, and efforts start to align.
Like all reference tools, Avanza’s set of benchmarks and industry figures is a starting point. Properly interpreting your data in comparison to the benchmarks must incorporate variances in geography, patient acuity, case mix and other important factors. Let’s take the first step in identifying your organization’s performance together. We’re here to help.